Saturday, October 1

Putting in the Hay

We had 75 bales of hay delivered yesterday.  They had to stack it on our drive because they could not get the truck down the hill to the barn, so today we moved 50 of them to the barn. In this drought, that is a hot and dusty task.  Though it wears us out, there is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment getting the hay put in the barn for winter.  We called the girls in to see the big stack of hay in the corner of the barn. . . their eyes followed up to the top of the stack, the cria were truly overwhelmed.  It was priceless.  Rich and I could hardly breath the dusty air and we looked like dust monsters.
While we had the hay  stacked I climbed to  the top of the stack and hung a fan.  It was a good day in the barn.

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