Tuesday, February 1

Major Winter Storm

I went to the barn and slipped all over the place.  We had barely had any ice, but just enough to make it difficult to walk in the corrals.  I think I have everything ready for the storm, but maybe I have forgotten something.  they are forecasting a blizzard and up to 21" of snow.  Winds up to 40 mph will cause major drifts and serious wind chills.  I have hay in the barn, straw and grain in the barn.  I wonder if the faucets will freeze up in those temps making it difficult to water the animals.  I worry about my fingers freezing . . . it is so different when you are the sole person to care for this wonderful herd.  Some how, I will do it, but I know I will have little energy for anything else.  I will keep you posted.Publish Post

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