Monday, October 31

Weaning, the slow process!

Weaning is such a slow process, ugh, just when you think you are getting ahead the dam is anxious to nurse, or the alpacas do not cooperate when they are being separated and you are in a hurry to get some place.  Many breeders just separate them and that is the end of it, but I believe it is critical to do it right and the process must be at the pace both the cria and dam can handle.  I nursed 4 babies and I can tell you that each of the babies had different needs.  In fact I had different needs with each of the babies.  So, it is my own experience I draw on when it comes to weaning.  I want my cria to grow up secure and confident.  I want the dams to feel it is the right time and be ready for the nursing to end.  It seems even more important when the dam is not re-bred shortly after delivery.
For now, J Arbuckle is with his dam from night feeding until morning feeding.  That way he is next to his dam in the dark.  I think a couple more days of this and we will not let them together at the evening feeding, but rather when I am just about ready to hit the sack myself.

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