Friday, May 6

Please give me Warmth!

It is looking pretty out, but the thermometer just is not reaching for the warmer temps.  This wet, cool weather is really hard on people with Fibromyalgia.  I hate it when I whine.  I really am screaming for a nice, beautiful spring day when I have the time to be out working in it.  I have the Fiber Cottage looking good and ready for me to use, a major feat.  I just need a warm day to work in the gardens.  
Mother's Day is this weekend and I think about the woman I have become because of my incredible Mother. If she hadn't taken to me to the woods and taught me about nature, hadn't taken in those orphan rabbits, allowed the numerous gerbils and hamster, I am sure I would never have been the alpaca breeder I have become.  If Mom had not taught me to knit, sew, embroidery and so many other hand crafts I know I would not be a textile artist.  Most of all, Mom taught me to to mess and be alright with it.  Thank you Mom.
But, I am still looking for sunshine and warmth.

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