Wednesday, September 28

Catchin Up

It has been along time since I posted anything.  I do so like the feel of journaling , so I am going to post at least once a week.  Maybe, now that I have stated that publicly I will hold myself to it.

The farm really had a good summer with 5 one week long day camps.  They really make me smile and I find they give me purpose.  I seem to a have  a need to be involved with teaching children about the wonders of my little world.  Some of my campers have attended all five summers and at least 12 camps.  I have so much respect for these kids.  Our camps were hot this summer, one day reaching 107.5 degrees!  Not one child ever complained about the heat.  Instead they draped themselves with cold wet hand towels and wash cloths and played fashion show.  They were creative, fun to be around and eager to learn all I had to share.

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